By Trizer Kachila & Lokui Philip

Turkana Residents Gather at Cradle Hotel for Public Participation on Affordable Housing Bill 2023
Members of the public from different groups in Turkana gathered at Cradle Hotel, Lodwar, to engage in public participation on the Affordable Housing bill 2023. “We are here to get proposals from the public on collection of levies, Access of the money and implementation of the project by the ministry” said Johana Ng’eno (Mp Emurua Dikirr). Ngeno is the Chairperson for The National Assembly Departmental Committee on Housing, Urban Planning, and Public Works.

The departmental committee members Mrs. Jane Kagiri (Women Representative- Laikipia County) and Joshua Kimilu (Mp Kaiti – Makueni county) accompanied the chairperson to Lodwar for this event. The event showcased the importance of community engagement and the role it plays in shaping government policies that directly impact the lives of citizens.

The Affordable Housing bill 2023 aims to address the housing crisis in Turkana and other parts of Kenya by providing affordable housing options for the citizens. This initiative is part of the government’s commitment to improving the living standards of its people and ensuring that every Kenyan has access to adequate housing.

During the public participation event, various stakeholders, including representatives from Turkana Professionals association, Juakali sector, Religious groups, Civil society organizations (CSOs), Youth council, TUCODTA (Turkana County Drivers and transport association)and the private sector, were invited to share their insights and suggestions on the bill. This collaborative effort was crucial in identifying the challenges faced by the local communities in terms of housing and in determining the most effective strategies for addressing these issues.

The gathering at Cradle Hotel, Lodwar, was an excellent opportunity for the community to voice their concerns and contribute to the development of the Affordable Housing bill 2023. By actively participating in the process, the public could ensure that their needs and priorities were taken into account, and that the final legislation would truly reflect the diverse perspectives and aspirations of the Turkana people.

In conclusion, the public participation event held at Cradle Hotel, Lodwar, was an essential step towards the successful implementation of the Affordable Housing bill 2023 in Turkana. It demonstrated the importance of community engagement in shaping policies that directly impact the lives of citizens and emphasized the role of various stakeholders in addressing the housing crisis in Kenya.

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